About us | Wyprawiamy Dobro
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About us

It started with the need of the moment - the conflict taking place among our neighbours caused the appearance of many needs, which, like many volunteers, we tried to meet. At some point, one of them turned out to be school supplies for children from Ukraine fleeing the war to our country. A small backpack action turned into a big initiative that prompted us to establish a foundation - this is how we set up Wyprawiamy Dobro.

Our Mission


Selfless help for children in need.

Both in Ukraine and Poland .

Improving their living and education,

but also taking care of their well-being & health.

Dziecko otwierające prezent świąteczny
Dzieci w krytym placu zabaw


Continuation of the existing actions and
increasing their scope .
We see how much happiness
our actions bring and how much impact they have on the little pupils. We are planning to conduct law workshops, where young people will be able to learn about the profession of a lawyer/judge and the functioning of the courts.

We are very grateful for the support we have received so far. Thanks to you, we have done a lot of good.

Every day we learn how many wonderful people there are, full of empathy and this fills us with energy for further action. We encourage you to continue to support us and follow our initiatives.


Let's do good together!

Our Team

We need your support!

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